Cyber Security is one of the biggest IT challenges for UK businesses

From our experience, we see that problems with weak cyber security are often exacerbated by a lack of understanding among IT users regarding the associated risks.

Additionally, there can be a lack of insight into a company’s overall security posture, and consequently, knowledge about its ability to withstand cyber-attacks.

Top Security Considerations for Businesses

As we approach Black Friday and Cyber Monday for 2023 (one of the busiest days of the year for online financial transactions) we are campaigning for better security awareness in businesses. Take a look at our infographic which gives you some key security measures your business should consider.

Bringing Security Insight to Businesses so they can better protect themselves

At NVT Group, we want to demystify cyber security and provide clarity to businesses. We want them to operate with confidence, knowing their defences align with the threats they encounter.

We do this by implementing a number of different security services and solutions, depending on what’s right for your circumstances. However, right now we can offer you an objective review of the effectiveness of your security posture by performing an external security scan of your network.

This is a complimentary service, which will provide valuable benchmarking information on how your firm is placed when it comes to protecting itself from cyber threats. We provide a full report for you to action as you like.

To arrange this, all you have to do is talk to us. You can either send an e-mail to, or complete the reply form at the top of this page.

Ask us about our complimentary security scan for businesses

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