Lorraine speaks about GDPR at NMBrek!

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NVT Group Consultant Lorraine Mills was the guest speaker at this week’s New Media Breakfast sessions in Edinburgh and Glasgow, which were hosted by our colleagues at fatBuzz.

On the topic of “Your Journey to GDPR compliance”, Lorraine took delegates through a presentation which covered the most important points of GDPR compliance.

GDPR stands for “General Data Protection Regulations” and the deadline for compliance is May 25th 2018.  Any businesses which are deemed to be in breach of the new regulations are liable to pay hefty fines.  Many businesses are unaware of what needs to be done to make sure they adhere to the new regulations, which are being introduced across all EU states to help better protect people’s rights when it comes to the storage and use of their personal data.  During the session, delegates were reminded that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of the GDPR and, indeed, the UK Government is currently tabling legislation in line with EU GDPR which will come into force before Brexit.

So popular was the topic that the team at fatBuzz took the unusual step of running two sessions in Edinburgh this week.  The third and final session took place this morning in Glasgow, with just under 100 delegates in attendance.

Lorraine said: “It was my pleasure to speak at these events to remind people about such an important topic.  Businesses throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK seem to be somewhat in the dark about what is required to be compliant with the new regulations, or how grave the penalties are.  That’s why I’ve been urging all businesses to begin their journey towards compliance as soon as they can.”

At NVT Group, we are asking businesses to consider taking part in a 1-2-1 consultation to make the best start on their journey.  More information can be found by clicking here.