NVT Group Apprentices Charity Hike Sunday 4th May 2014

On Sunday 4th May, NVT’s team of Modern Apprentices, alongside other NVT staff, friends and clients will embark upon an ambitious mountain climb.


Our challenging trek will take us to the spectacular Western Grampians, and the summit of Britain’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis. We will do all this in aid of the NSPCC and we are currently raising funds for this very good cause.


From the green lowlands of Glen Nevis we strike steeply up to the picturesque Lochan Meall, tackle the famous ‘zig-zags’ path, and continue up across the steep rocky mountain-side to our goal. As we reach the summit of Ben Nevis at 4,409ft (1344m) we’ll be rewarded with incredible panoramic views over the hills and lochs below, along with a fantastic sense of achievement.


You can support us in our climb by sponsoring us. Call us on 08453 893 300 for a sponsor form. Alternatively, you can send your donation by direct bank transfer. By sponsoring us in this incredible challenge you can help stop cruelty to children as all funds raised will be paid to the NSPCC.


Account Details for direct bank transfer:
Sort code 83-16-08 Account no 00141711
Please quote your own name as reference


Thank you for your support and good luck to the team!