Lorraine Mills from Blue Rock joins the Cyber Security breakfast Q&A panel


Lorraine Mills, Managing Director of cyber defence consultancy Blue Rock, will be one of the guest Q&A panellists at The Herald’s Cyber Security breakfast event, which is taking place in Glasgow on Wednesday 20th June.

The event will offer invaluable insight into how businesses can build stronger defences against cyber-attacks, and top advice on the best practice to undertake to help protect both an organisation and their customers.

The business breakfast will also provide delegates with the opportunity to network, learn, question and hear from industry experts. The event keynote speakers and panellists will be sharing their expertise and knowledge, followed by an audience Q&A.

This event will support you and your business to ensure that post the GDPR changes in May 2018, you are making the right progress to secure your systems.

You can find our more about the event and buy tickets on the event web page.