Home working at NVT Group – Irene Simmons

Meet Irene Simmons, PA to Directors at NVT Group, and find out what work life has looked like for her over the past few months.

Can you give a description of what your role entails:

I am PA to the Directors at NVT Group so I usually spend my time supporting the Directors and making sure that everything is ticking over nicely in the office – from diary management to note taking, as well as taking care of HR.

What does your working day look like now you’re working from home?

Oh my goodness, it’s so different!  I tried various places in the house to settle for work including my wee spare room but nothing felt quite right, so I’m now settled on the dining room table.  I get up and, on a good day, I go for a walk!  Then I sit at my ‘desk’ at 9am and start checking emails, taking calls, etc, etc.  I do try to have a proper lunch break and regular cups of tea and biscuits also help me to get through the day! 

What has been the biggest changes or challenges in your role?

I think I’ve managed to carry out my role without too many challenges.  We’ve all had to adjust to this new way of working and we’ve done it!

How have you adapted to the overall change?

Maybe I am still adjusting, since my 2 adult kids tell me I am very crabbit!  They are both key workers so, even though there is an element of normality in my house, it is still weird and I feel like I’m running a B&B! 

Overall I’m doing fine, but I still find it astonishing that the Coronavirus has actually happened – if anyone had told us this time last year we’d have laughed and thought it was ridiculous.

Working remotely, how do you stay productive and connected with your Team?

To stay productive, I honestly feel like I need to put myself under pressure!

I can’t stand seeing dishes needing done or washing to be sorted so I’ll jump up and do my chores as quickly as I can and then get back to work!  Staying connected has been quite easy – we’ve all become TeamsTastic!  I’ve lost count of exactly how many calls I have in the course of a week but Teams has been invaluable and the perfect way to keep in touch.  We have been doing quizzes during our social calls on a Thursday and that’s been a bit of fun!

Do you have any tips for home working?

I know lots of people who really enjoy working from home but I’m someone who still prefers to go to my place of work.  If you’re like me, I would suggest you try to make the best of it by focusing on the positive things about working from home, while not dwelling on the aspects of office working that you miss.  As we go forward, I think there will be more opportunity for people to either work from home if they prefer, or work from the office if it suits, so hopefully there will be much more flexibility.

What are you most looking forward to in the future?

You may have guessed that I’m looking forward to getting back to the office!  It occurred to me last Friday that working from home does not bring that same ‘Friday Feeling’!  Standing up at your dining room table and walking to the couch is not the same celebration as driving home on a Friday and making weekend plans with your pals en route!

Read about how other NVT Group team members are getting on at home here.